Punk football – a documentary about FC United – @FC Lounge, 1st of July

When I was down in Manchester last April I met a bloke called Daniel Colbourne. He was creating a documentary about FC United as a student project. He did an interview with me and told me that the documentary would probably be finished at the end of the season. Today I finally saw a picture in the FC United facebook group alerting that the documentary will be shown in the FC Lounge on the 1st of July. I’m not gonna be able to watch it myself due to unfortunate fact that I’m living in Sweden but I recommend all you Mancunians to go and watch it!


And for the rest of us, we just have to wait for the documentary to be aired on youtube (which Daniel promised it would be). Here’s a trailer while you wait:

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About Linus Lind

Linus lives in Uppsala, Sweden and attended his first FC United-match in 2009. He then called his father back home to say that "This is what real english football culture sounds like". Ever since then FC United has been a progressively growing drug and Linus is trying his best to spread the word of the "FC United way" both in Sweden and internationally.

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