The Sloop John B. reserves the right to review, edit, refuse or delete any comments/blog posts.
Here are some guidelines when it comes to commenting and blogging on this site in order to create a friendly environment:
Think about the tone of your comment:
- Be polite, friendly, and encouraging.
- Have some humour, but be careful with sarcasm.
- If you disagree, don’t be rude about it; give constructive (helpful) feedback.
- Don’t use bad language.
Think about the content of your comment/post:
- Keep your comment/post on topic and make sense. If you comment, say something about the original post. If you post a blog post keep it in the right category.
- If you post an article or a video, make sure that it hasn’t been posted before.
- Don’t say random stuff or get really silly.
- Be more formal than you would in real life, but not stuffy.
- Avoid texting shortcuts like u for you and l8r for later, and only use one emoticon if you need to.