“When FC United go out to play, it’s three o’clock on a Saturday”. And keeping in line with this well-known fact, this Saturday at three o’clock, we present to you: The Sloop John B.
What is The Sloop John B.?
The Sloop John B. is not only a classic song but also a new home for all those from all over the world who care deeply about what was once “the people’s game” but what has now become a multibillion pound/euro empire with passionate fans at the bottom of the pyramid – abused and ignored.
Our prime focus is to spread the word and philosophy of FC United of Manchester on an international arena. Here we will gather articles, videos and fan stories about anything FC from all over the globe, but anyone who wishes to contribute on “off the pitch” matters is welcome to enter an article or video as long as it goes along with the theme “Against modern football”.
The Sloop John B. is aiming to be international, which is why anyone can add their own posts in their own language so that other people from that country get to know more about FC United. The rest of us can google translate.
What do you mean with “This Blog is Your Blog”?
We mean that we want you to contribute as much to this blog as we do. This blog is meant to be interactive in the sense that everyone can add material to the categories we have here at The Sloop John B. The blog posts you create will be reviewed by our administrators and if it deems fitting into one of the categories we will publish it.
Explain the categories, please?
There are three main FC-related categories: “FC Articles”, “FC Videos” and “FC Travel Reports”. Each of these categories are multilingual in the sense that we have subcategories for every language present on this blog.
In addition to this there is also one category called “Against Modern Football” which is where you put all the content about the “Against Modern Football”-movement which is not FC-related. The category has three subcategories that will be explained in more detail further down.
FC Articles
Here you can publish links to any articles you find interesting about FC United. The language of the article determines under which language category the article will be posted.
FC Videos
Here you can publish links to videos or documentaries about FC United. You can also embed the videos straight into the blog post. The language of the video determines under which language category the video will be posted.
FC Fan Stories
Here you can write your own fan story. It could be a travel report from a trip to a FC United-game, or it could be about how you found FC United and how you came to love everything FC. Only your imagination and the theme is your limit. The language of the fan story determines under which language category the fan story will be posted.
Against Modern Football
Here you put all the content about the “Against Modern Football”-movement that is not FC-related. The category has three subcategories: “Blog posts” – here you can write your own thoughts on AMF. “Articles” – which is where you put links to articles.“Videos” – which is where you put links or embed videos about AMF. This category differs from the other three in the sense that you put your post under these three categories regardless of the language of the article, video or blog post.
That sounds awesome, but how do I do it exactly?
Well, it’s quite simple. If you’ve got a Facebook account all you need to do is login with that account to our site and then publish your material. You can create an account via registering your email-adress in case you don’t use Facebook.
You register and log in via the “Register / Login”-link which is placed on the right side of the blog just under the text about our blog. There you also find the link “Write an article” which will send you directly to the editing page.
Remember to keep a good tone and before you post read our “Commenting and posting guidelines”
So when do we start?
Right now! So hoist up the John B’s sail. We won’t be home for a while.