Our Club, Our Rules

Here’s a short film about FC United produced as part of A Small Cinema in Moston.

“We weren’t fans anymore, we were customers. And basically I along with a lot of other people got fed up with being a customer. I wanted to be a fan again, and I wanted to be recognized as a fan” – Chris Balderstone, FC fan

Punk football – a documentary about FC United – @FC Lounge, 1st of July

When I was down in Manchester last April I met a bloke called Daniel Colbourne. He was creating a documentary about FC United as a student project. He did an interview with me and told me that the documentary would probably be finished at the end of the season. Today I finally saw a picture in the FC United facebook group alerting that the documentary will be shown in the FC Lounge on the 1st of July. I’m not gonna be able to watch it myself due to unfortunate fact that I’m living in Sweden but I recommend all you Mancunians to go and watch it!


And for the rest of us, we just have to wait for the documentary to be aired on youtube (which Daniel promised it would be). Here’s a trailer while you wait:

The inclusive side of FC

One of the most attractive aspects of FC United is it’s focus on inclusiveness. One example of this is FC United’s ongoing work for highlighting the roles of the women who works and plays for FC. By doing this it challenges the norms of football being purely a man’s world which it sure as hell isn’t. A woman’s place is where she wants it to be and a lot of women wants to be at the match and on the pitch, end of story!


Russian documentary (english subs)

[English] Here is a piece from Russian television about FC United. It features interviews with Karl Marginson, Rhodri Giggs and also with fans. It takes place during the home game against Stafford Rangers this season. It includes subs and be sure to turn them on, so that you, like yours truly, don’t find yourself very confused by your lack of understanding

[Russian] Фрагмент из передачи “Планета футбола” с Владимиром Стогниенко на ТК Россия 2 (март 2013). Посетив Манчестер, съемочная группа не обошла вниманием и ЮМ: россияне побывали на матче ФК Юнайтед – Стаффорд Рейнджерс, а также взяли интервью у Карла Марджинсона, Родри Гиггза и у некоторых фанатов клуба.

Part 1

Part 2